Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My 1st blog :)

Hello everyone! So, I have decided to begin a blog. I enjoy reading everyone's and thought it would be good for me to get some thoughts out of my head and update everyone on Mitch and I's life. "To love, new beginnings, and life," seems to explain my life right now.

To love: I have found my soul mate and can't wait to marry him :) Mitch and I will get married on September 5th and I couldn't be happier! He absolutely completes me and I could not imagine my life without him. I know, I know...for those of you who know me, strange I am saying these things, but I guess that is just what happens when you find someone you want to spend your life with and "gets" you.

New beginnings: I recently quit my job to start new beginnings. It was probably one of the scariest decisions I have made, but I feel like this is what I needed to do. I found myself swamped in a work life I did not want, nor found satisfying. I have decided to focus on nonprofit work and truly find my "niche" in the work place. As many of you know, through out college I had everything planned out right? I knew exactly what I wanted to do and where I wanted to be. Of course, I did know I wanted to live in the greatest city: Denver. However, I had no idea moving out here was going to kick me in the ass :)...in a good way. My previous job has really given me a new perspective on life. First, never settle for anything in your life. I truly believe being happy in a career is the up most important task to achieve. I began to realize it is not worth the tears, frustration, and numbness. I found myself angry at the system and angry at people in general. Why would a system that is supposed to "help" people just create a larger problem? It was an eye opener of how the "real world" works and how many people are struggling. I am glad I was able to experience this side of the world. It made me realize just how much of a "bubble" I grew up in. I began to realize how lucky I am and what a great life I have lived so far. I can only hope many of those children become better and persevere through their struggles! Regardless of this, I have had a very supportive fiance and decided to find happiness in work :). He has definitely been part of my inspiration. He does what makes him happy and that is all that matters to him. Anyways! I can't wait to see where he and I end up and where life takes us. Hopefully I will have a job with a nonprofit in the fall :)

To life: Recently, a close family friend of ours passed away while fighting for her life. She had cancer and died at such a young age. This has placed emphasis on my view on life. Every day is a gift and no one knows what life lies ahead of us. It is so important to me to enjoy the little things. It is the little things that make me feel alive. I have been reading "The Power of Now," and it has inspired me to really focus on the NOW because that is all we really have!

I really hope you have enjoyed my 1st blog. I know it might be a little deep, but these are the things I have been thinking about recently and felt like sharing :).